Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What To Look For In Homeschooling Programs

Home schooling as an alternative to public or private school is here to stay. In addition, publicly funded vouchers for education have major implications for home schoolers as well as for traditional forms of education. Ultimately, courts will have to answer the question of whether parents who home school their children are eligible for publicly funded vouchers. The implications of all of this are staggering. 13

The Great Books Homeschool Program is easy to follow. Because it is complete, it is a one-stop home education provider. The 12 courses (subjects) allow parents to offer their children more than any private school offers. Because it is flexible, it allows parents to select only those courses they wish, when they wish, and to take as long (or as little) as they wish to complete a course. 12

Homeschooling might be a controversial subject, but the evidence shows that homeschool children do extremely well. They often perform better than children who receive their education through the public school system. Homeschooled children do better on standardized tests and do well in college. 4

Is it important to you that you have more control of the education of your child? That your son or daughter gets the attention he or she needs? Then home school programs is likely for you. But be warned - public schools aren't always overjoyed to see you go. 9

Laurel Springs offers homeschool resources, guidance, high school homeschooling curriculum and elementary-junior high home school curriculum. A practical home schooling program can be tough to plan and implement. Distance education, distance learning, and homeschooling online via the Internet can be impersonal and limiting. 6

Another criticism has been that home schooled children cannot possibly receive as good an education as those children in conventional school environments. However, once again, this is a myth. Looking at standardized tests, kids in the home schooling programs score as well as children in school settings. In addition, the National Merit Scholarship Corporation chose over 70 homeschooled high school students as semifinalists in 1998; 137 homeschooled semifinalists 1999, and 150 in 2000. 26

Many wonder about the legality of homeschooling. According to The National Homeschool Association, "homeschooling is legally permitted in all fifty states, but laws and regulations are much more favorable in some states than others". Parents interested in home schooling programs should contact their State Department of Education for the most up-to-date information and laws. 26

Making the decision to home school is usually a very difficult not and it is not one to be taken lightly. It is a personal decision that no one can make for you. There will be many challenges and important decisions to make such as, choosing the homeschooling curriculum, purchasing homeschool books, finding out the various homeschool supplies and materials, etc. There are many online homeschool resources where you can find other parents who have gone through all these and you will be able to get some good advises from them. 9

Bridgeway partners with Essential Learning Institute to provide complete home school packages or therapy programs for children with learning disabilities. Test your children in the comfort of you own home. 8

Moreover, the various homeschool programs are based on different thinking, which may either match or may not match with your perspective. Some programs incorporate Christian faith, while others may incorporate humanist or non-religious perspective. Therefore, you should study the underlying message in each program and choose the one that agrees with the values you want to convey to your child. 27

Time4Learning is a great homeschool curriculum choice. Some parents use Time4Learning as supplementary, others use Time4Learning as the primary homeschooling curriculum. Time4Learning has curriculum for homeschool children in Preschool, Grade School, and Junior High. Time4Learning's home school website provides a comprehensive language arts and math curriculum and includes science and social studies. 18

One of the harder states in which to start a home school program is California. There were rumors in the past that home schooling is illegal in California, but that is not the case. Home schooling is in fact legal in California, but the requirements are a little bit strict, depending on how one reads the requirements.� As in all the states, home schools in California should use an accredited and recognized school curriculum, or an ISP (Independent Study Program) that can come from an area public school or from a private, but accredited source. 14

Time4Learning helps parents build interesting diverse days. By shifting from computer-based lessons to discussion, or from paper and pencil exercises to art projects, children stay engaged and benefit from different teaching methods. Variety keeps children motivated and attentive throughout the day. Today's families have many choices for homeschool education: different curriculum, websites, programs, lessons, assessments, and worksheets. Time4Learning's online learning system combines in one homeschool curriculum interactive lessons, multimedia reinforcement activities, printable worksheets, learning games, and assessments with reports. Homeschool parents across the country are using it enthusiastically. 18

If you don't check this out, you are making a big mistake! Constantly updated, this resource has information on books, games, articles, celebrities, inventions, literature, science, etc., that have home schooling connections. It is a prime resource not to be missed. 13

Home School Legal Defense Association: One of the most useful sites you'll find anywhere. A professional and polished resource that answers many, many questions about home schooling. 13

Your relationships with each other grow deeper and stronger bonds. As your children receive from you just the right blend of encouragement to face challenges and empowerment to discover their own gifts, talents and interests they can begin to truly soar, both academically and in character. 10

Show your pride in your homeschool lifestyle! Whether you are visiting your legislator, or just meeting homeschool friends at the park, wear a homeschool t-shirt or hoodie. Carry your books in a homeschool-themed tote or messenger bag. On your car, promote homeschooling with a bumpersticker or license frame. Write in a homeschool journal. Drink from a homeschool mug! 2

MACHE: Maryland Association of Christian Home Educators This site is a great place to start. A lot of statistics and very useful information about home schooling. 13

Homeschooling was a direct answer to prayer. In the end, it is the parents who are ultimately responsible for the education of their children (a mandate from God Himself!) regardless of who teaches them! 25

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