Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Why Christian Homeschooling

Your child has come home for the third day in a row with a black eye. Or your child is lagging behind the other kids in class because the teacher doesn't have time to give him or her special attention. Or your child is learning a lesson at school that you don't agree with and you wish you could tailor the lesson plan so that he or she only learns what you want him or her to. There are many ways you can find out how to home school your child. You can read books, you can research on the internet, or you can talk to other parents who also home school their children. 11

The concept of Christian home schooling has started creating ripples thanks to the overwhelming response of the parents who want their children to pick up knowledge and religious wisdom simultaneously. A Christianity based home education program helps parents to give their ward a comprehensive Christian education. The child from the early part of his life understands the essence of the Bible and its teachings. The best part is that the child learns in homely ambiance and has the parents for his guides and mentors. 7

Many parents are compelled to homeschool for religious reasons. Christian homeschooling has become very popular, since parents like the idea of both influencing what their children learn and imparting strong Christian values. 22

The images adorning the Classical Christian Homeschooling webpages can be viewed more fully by clicking on the image. Credit and links to the images’ home can be found in the description of the images. No images have been used from image archives, such as the Perseus Project, which expressly forbid such use. Although copyrights do not exist for works of art made before 1922, copyrights on photographs of such works do exist. Otherwise, all images are displayed here with permission or non-commerical fair use. 2

Wise, a former teacher and current home education consultant, explains that she decided to home-school her three children because the local public school "was a terrible environment socially" and ranked academically as one of the lowest in the state, and the private school she and her husband had chosen seemed unable to stimulate and challenge her children. Bauer, her older daughter and now an instructor at the College of William & Mary, adds the student's perspective. Together, they provide detailed information on a home-school curriculum for a type of classical education called the "trivium." Within each of the three stages of learning (grammar, logic, and rhetoric) are suggestions for lessons, how-to tips, and lists of resources. A common criticism of home schooling, that children have inadequate opportunity for social and emotional development, is also addressed here. 25

All this has now become well known. It is widely acknowledged that homeschool students have the best academic education of all. Private tutoring with love pays off. But life is far more than just book learning. What else does Christian homeschooling do for a young person? 14

With the majority of Christian children being schooled in humanistic thought in the public schools, it is no surprise that most of them are not choosing to live for Christ. Those who cannot homeschool should do all they can to get their children in a Christian school. 10

Homeschooling parents in Germany have been imprisoned for teaching their children in a Christian lifestyle. The Home School Legal Defense Association estimates there are 40 other ongoing cases in Germany against homeschoolers. 20

Those who homeschool for wrong motives are quick to drop out when circumstances change. What could be classed as a wrong reason for a Christian to homeschool? A poor reason to be homeschooling is just because everyone else in your circle is doing it. Perhaps it looks more �spiritual� to be homeschooling in your particular fellowship, while in another group it would be considered odd or fanatical, and you wouldn�t be caught doing it! If, then, you are only homeschooling because your peers are, you will easily fall aside when it seems too tough, or when your friends quit. If you are homeschooling primarily for academic excellence, you may be tempted, by the pride of life, to place your children into mainstream education later where they can have competitors to outshine. 24

With Christian homeschooling, these terrible trends do not exist. Millions of dollars are spent on the Just Say No To Drugs campaign in the public schools. The Christian homeschool families have said no to the culture which feeds drug use. They have said no to the culture which encourages promiscuous sex. They have said no to the culture of violence, gangs and bullying. They have replaced that anti-Christian culture with an education based on Christ. Illegal drug use, teen pregnancies and bullying and violence are not prevailing problems in Christian home schools. That saves these young people from terrible problems which would affect their whole lives. 14

Statistics show that homeschooled children score higher on the SAT and ACT exams than traditionally schooled children, and by the 8th grade are doing work four grades above their level. Now more than two million parentsare currently homeschool their children and the countless others are considering this educational option.Theauthorspresent a comprehensive, nondenominational guide that can help anyone create a customized education to suit the strengths and weaknesses of their child. This book covers everything from getting started to legal requirements to single and working parent concerns and is an essential resource for anyone interested in homeschooling. 25

Classical Christian Homeschooling is a very in-depth & thorough page. A must see for anyone who is interested in this topic. It even has info on an e-mail loop! 4

Homeschooling Kids With Disabilities offers information and support to people who have chosen to homeschool their children with special educational needs. You can find several resources for kids who suffer from all kinds of disabilities, such as Down Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome, autism, hearing impairment, learning disabilities and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome among others. The resources include articles, legal assistance, medical information, online libraries and links to other sites on the web. 29

These Christian families fail to realize that God has given them the Dominion Mandate. Failing to recognize God's call to the family leads to the lack of understanding of the value of the family. This results in the lack of vision for the future, especially in raising children. In this context, they regard education as simply a means for their children to get jobs and become part of the secular world. 21

The Homeschool Legal Defense Association is an excellent site for legal issues. It's very complete and organized and it also contains information about homeschooling in other countries. 29

They then face two alternatives: homeschooling and church schooling. Many Christian parents find the option of church schooling more attractive. The idea of church schooling fits the Japanese group-oriented mindset. By allowing parents to delegate their responsibilities to workers and teachers, the church schools blur the parental commitment to education. Church schools sometimes even go towards the direction of second-class public schools or "public schools located at local churches." These church schools are still modeled after public schools due to the humanistic and secular epistemology, teleology, and expectations from parents. Those parents who delegate parental responsibilities to the church schools expect the schools to become alternative public schools). 21

Christian Homeschooling is not a method. In most cases the Classical Homeschooling method is used and is enriched with content suitable to the various faiths, denominations and others that count themselves fitting this category. 25

Relieve the stress and enter the blessings of Christian homeschooling and family life. Sharon Grimes, a popular seminar speaker will show you how! 19

You notate that homeschooling would give your son a Christian worldview. You did not even address the worldview at the public school. And public school is not the only place to find unchristian people, and even in homeschooling you will find mean christian people for your son to deal with. So the protection argument does not wash. 9

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