Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Christian Vs Non Christian Homeschooling

Contrary to popular schooling, Christian homeschooling offers education along with the teachings of the Bible that helps inculcate Christian values in the learners. As a Christian parent, Christian homeschooling is an idea worth considering for your child. In this increasingly commercialized world, Christian homeschooling helps you to maintain your religious identity. 1

If you are a Christian, do not have second thoughts about opting for the Christian home schooling, as it offers the benefit of home schooling your children and at the same time provides a host of support groups in your area. These groups offer consultation resources, books, materials, distance education programs and testing services. Other than all the services, homeschooling offers referrals and helpful information. 2

Christian homeschooling has come as a welcome relief for the parents who have always wanted their children to be firmly grounded in religious beliefs rather have been ill at ease with their utter disregard and disinterest being completely swayed by the hip-hop culture. Such parents can now be at peace considering the fact that the study of Bible will sow the seeds of religious inclination. This, the parents believe, will broaden the vision and thoughts of the children and then their personality will reflect knowledge, wisdom and a greater sense of understanding. 1

Again, all unbelieving states, secular teachers and unbelieving scholars are lost; and have not the least desire of being saved, unless in their sins, and on their own plan, and by their own righteousness. Finally, so far as love of sin and hatred of God, and all righteousness is concerned; all unbelieving children can harmoniously cooperate with Satan, the god of this world, unbelieving states and carnal secular teachers, in opposing Christ and Christianity. "The wicked are estranged from the womb, they go astray as soon as they are born�speaking lies." Ps. 7

Most interested parties assume that the homeschooling community is pretty much divided into two camps: conservative Christian and non-Christian, with no love lost between them. Well, that isn't really accurate. In fact, it's far from accurate, but it's a common notion and the one by which most people operate. Christian homeschoolers and the rest of the homeschooling community are not really contradictory to each other. Also, as the homeschooling community becomes more and more mainstream, it is also becoming more diverse. More and different groups of homeschoolers are trying to find a place to fit into the community - and they are finding they don't. Even old timers find the two categories restrictive. For example, many Christian homeschoolers are de facto assigned the "non-Christian" label if they choose to participate in inclusive groups instead of exclusive Christian ones. 30

It is true that Christian home schooling is greatly beneficial but it also has its own set of disadvantages. When you home school your child, you hinder your child from mixing freely with children the age of your child. It is not to be forgotten that a child can learn tolerance by being with non-Christian children. 2

Christian homeschooling provides a high level of safety. Public schools can be dangerous both physically and emotionally for children. Peer interaction often tends toward bullying. 9

For some odd reason, the general consensus seems to be that kids don't really need to start science until 3rd grade which is bull, IMO, but whatever. They state right on there that formal science education in Singapore doesn't start until 3rd grade. So once you hit that age, there are a lot more options. 18

It is true that the statistics show that most homeschooling families are made of a dad who works full-time, a mother who stays home and perhaps a few more children than the American average. This does not mean, however, that single parents and same-sex couples do not homeschool. Everyday more and more parents of all types are making the decision to keep their children home. While these non-traditional situations may present more of an issue in the matter of logistics, it can (and is!) being done successfully, and in increasing numbers. 11

It contributes to poor relations among the various groups. As those who have studied the dynamics of power and relationships understand, the one who has the power to name everyone else holds the greater power. As long as generic homeschoolers continue to nod toward the separatist Christian homeschoolers in their compulsion to differentiate themselves, the separatist Christian homeschool leaders continue to wield an illegitimate power over the rest of the homeschooling community. This leaves all other homeschoolers scrambling to look for ways to identify themselves apart from them. 30

When it comes to statistics the most recent set show that the dwindling majority of homeschooling families are caucasian. Historically the Caucasian population has been in a higher income bracket than other races, making homeschooling a more practical decision. The tides are changing, however, as more minority families decide to keep their children away from schools and as homeschooling becomes more mainstream and less expensive. There is a huge support network for parents that fall into the non-Caucasian mold. This further demonstrates how truly diverse homeschooling really is! 11

By rooting ourselves firmly in the past, by gaining a clear grasp on the history of the homeschooling movement. Homeschooling began with people whose reasons for homeschooling had nothing to do with religion working cooperatively with those whose faith led them to homeschool. After these folks had made many cultural and legal strides that benefited all homeschoolers, along came separatist Christian homeschooling, a much more recent development. There is a widely held misconception in the non-homeschooling world (and in some segments of the homeschooling world) that homeschooling and religion are part and parcel of each other. It has become problematic to many homeschoolers that people are coming into the homeschooling community thinking the separatist Christian homeschoolers invented this "new" method of educating one's children rather than understanding that it was simply a popular offshoot of the original concept. 30

Homeschooling is for every family make-up. You do not have to be Christian to homeschool, you do not have to be white, straight, married or wealthy either. What you need to be is motivated and confident! If you are making the decision to educate your children at home, you are not alone. 11

There is no such thing as neutrality. There are not neutral ‘facts’. All things have been made and purposed by God and have their meaning from him. 26

As long as generic homeschoolers keep trying to find the "least offensive" yet most accurate word to describe their organizations as defined by the Christian homeschoolers, they will continue to be stuck in this power struggle with separatist Christian homeschoolers. Saying that one's group is a "general" or "generic" homeschooling group that does not have any special focus and is broad-based in membership adequately describes the flavor of the group without attaching religion or lack thereof. 30

Every human being has been made by God for his pleasure. There are currently around 6.5 billion people alive on earth. 26

Pennsylvania for example) have worked with the state’s department of education to provide a program for homeschooled students to obtain a state-accredited diploma. This may be of interest to you. The essence of homeschooling is that it is parent-directed. It follows then that it should be parent-accredited. Colleges, universities, financial aid programs, and potential employers are quickly realizing the value of the homeschool diploma, and the accreditation is quickly becoming a non-issue. 27

You notate that homeschooling would give your son a Christian worldview. You did not even address the worldview at the public school. And public school is not the only place to find unchristian people, and even in homeschooling you will find mean christian people for your son to deal with. So the protection argument does not wash. 9

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