Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What To Look For In Homeschooling Programs

Home schooling as an alternative to public or private school is here to stay. In addition, publicly funded vouchers for education have major implications for home schoolers as well as for traditional forms of education. Ultimately, courts will have to answer the question of whether parents who home school their children are eligible for publicly funded vouchers. The implications of all of this are staggering. 13

The Great Books Homeschool Program is easy to follow. Because it is complete, it is a one-stop home education provider. The 12 courses (subjects) allow parents to offer their children more than any private school offers. Because it is flexible, it allows parents to select only those courses they wish, when they wish, and to take as long (or as little) as they wish to complete a course. 12

Homeschooling might be a controversial subject, but the evidence shows that homeschool children do extremely well. They often perform better than children who receive their education through the public school system. Homeschooled children do better on standardized tests and do well in college. 4

Is it important to you that you have more control of the education of your child? That your son or daughter gets the attention he or she needs? Then home school programs is likely for you. But be warned - public schools aren't always overjoyed to see you go. 9

Laurel Springs offers homeschool resources, guidance, high school homeschooling curriculum and elementary-junior high home school curriculum. A practical home schooling program can be tough to plan and implement. Distance education, distance learning, and homeschooling online via the Internet can be impersonal and limiting. 6

Another criticism has been that home schooled children cannot possibly receive as good an education as those children in conventional school environments. However, once again, this is a myth. Looking at standardized tests, kids in the home schooling programs score as well as children in school settings. In addition, the National Merit Scholarship Corporation chose over 70 homeschooled high school students as semifinalists in 1998; 137 homeschooled semifinalists 1999, and 150 in 2000. 26

Many wonder about the legality of homeschooling. According to The National Homeschool Association, "homeschooling is legally permitted in all fifty states, but laws and regulations are much more favorable in some states than others". Parents interested in home schooling programs should contact their State Department of Education for the most up-to-date information and laws. 26

Making the decision to home school is usually a very difficult not and it is not one to be taken lightly. It is a personal decision that no one can make for you. There will be many challenges and important decisions to make such as, choosing the homeschooling curriculum, purchasing homeschool books, finding out the various homeschool supplies and materials, etc. There are many online homeschool resources where you can find other parents who have gone through all these and you will be able to get some good advises from them. 9

Bridgeway partners with Essential Learning Institute to provide complete home school packages or therapy programs for children with learning disabilities. Test your children in the comfort of you own home. 8

Moreover, the various homeschool programs are based on different thinking, which may either match or may not match with your perspective. Some programs incorporate Christian faith, while others may incorporate humanist or non-religious perspective. Therefore, you should study the underlying message in each program and choose the one that agrees with the values you want to convey to your child. 27

Time4Learning is a great homeschool curriculum choice. Some parents use Time4Learning as supplementary, others use Time4Learning as the primary homeschooling curriculum. Time4Learning has curriculum for homeschool children in Preschool, Grade School, and Junior High. Time4Learning's home school website provides a comprehensive language arts and math curriculum and includes science and social studies. 18

One of the harder states in which to start a home school program is California. There were rumors in the past that home schooling is illegal in California, but that is not the case. Home schooling is in fact legal in California, but the requirements are a little bit strict, depending on how one reads the requirements.� As in all the states, home schools in California should use an accredited and recognized school curriculum, or an ISP (Independent Study Program) that can come from an area public school or from a private, but accredited source. 14

Time4Learning helps parents build interesting diverse days. By shifting from computer-based lessons to discussion, or from paper and pencil exercises to art projects, children stay engaged and benefit from different teaching methods. Variety keeps children motivated and attentive throughout the day. Today's families have many choices for homeschool education: different curriculum, websites, programs, lessons, assessments, and worksheets. Time4Learning's online learning system combines in one homeschool curriculum interactive lessons, multimedia reinforcement activities, printable worksheets, learning games, and assessments with reports. Homeschool parents across the country are using it enthusiastically. 18

If you don't check this out, you are making a big mistake! Constantly updated, this resource has information on books, games, articles, celebrities, inventions, literature, science, etc., that have home schooling connections. It is a prime resource not to be missed. 13

Home School Legal Defense Association: One of the most useful sites you'll find anywhere. A professional and polished resource that answers many, many questions about home schooling. 13

Your relationships with each other grow deeper and stronger bonds. As your children receive from you just the right blend of encouragement to face challenges and empowerment to discover their own gifts, talents and interests they can begin to truly soar, both academically and in character. 10

Show your pride in your homeschool lifestyle! Whether you are visiting your legislator, or just meeting homeschool friends at the park, wear a homeschool t-shirt or hoodie. Carry your books in a homeschool-themed tote or messenger bag. On your car, promote homeschooling with a bumpersticker or license frame. Write in a homeschool journal. Drink from a homeschool mug! 2

MACHE: Maryland Association of Christian Home Educators This site is a great place to start. A lot of statistics and very useful information about home schooling. 13

Homeschooling was a direct answer to prayer. In the end, it is the parents who are ultimately responsible for the education of their children (a mandate from God Himself!) regardless of who teaches them! 25

The Advantage of Homeschooling

What makes homeschooling better than traditional schooling? Lately, there is a rising trend in families choosing to homeschool their child than send their child to a traditional educational institution. 7

It is reasonable to ask, given advances in education over the last century, what are the advantages of home schooling? What on the surface may look like an old-fashioned teaching method is increasing in popularity across the nation. As it turns out, there are many good reasons for parents to home school their children, not the least of which is the fact that one-on-one tutoring has been widely recognized as the most effective method of education. 17

Please remember that home schooling is not an automatic cure-all. It takes much hard work to do it right, and no parents should begin unless they intend to do the job diligently. The decision whether or not to home school should be preceded by much careful thought, prayer, and planning. Many good books are available to help parents understand what is really involved. 15

Not only are they given the freedom to teach core subjects from a biblical perspective, but they can also incorporate their child's interests into the curriculum. Skills such as woodworking, cooking, managing money, and shopping for healthy food on a budget can be learned through real-life interactions and projects. The advantages of home schooling are both personal and practical. 17

You, more than anyone else, want your child to reach their full potential. This is usually not possible in a crowded classroom environment. A child, to learn at their best, must have one-on-one instruction from someone who truly cares for them. And who better than you can give that to them? Public school teachers are overwhelmed by the sheer number of students they must control every day. With the many different learning styles, discipline problems, regulations that need to be followed and other factors a public school teacher cannot spend the individual time with each child that is necessary to bring out that child-s best. Home schooling can help children to blossom and bring out a child-s full potential like nothing else can. 24

Despite shorter schooling hours, home schoolers have consistently scored at or above average in virtually all subject areas on standardized tests. Studies have shown that children whose parents are directly involved in their education are more apt to excel in academics. Indeed, a home-schooled child is aware of the dedication of his parents to his educational success. 17

Many homeschooling families cite this as the number one reason they choose to home school their children and therefore one of the main advantages of homeschooling. In a world where religious freedom is attacked from all sides, parents are choosing to take back their rights and invest time into the character and beliefs of their children. 18

Public school teachers have their curriculum all laid out for them. They must follow programs and use materials that others have already approved for them. They must also move at a predetermined pace so that they can get through their study programs even if it means going forward at the expense of a child understanding what has been taught. You, on the other hand, can come up with your own homeschooling curriculum which can include religious or moral beliefs. You can take a field trip anytime you desire. You can make sure your child fully grasps a specific subject before moving forward. This will allow your child the opportunity to learn as they should be learning and at a pace they can keep up with. In a public system the slower children are often left behind. 24

Britton Manasco, writing for Reason Magazine, looks at the advantages of homeschooling, along with some interesting facets of home education. Discusses the benefits of encouraging independent thought and decentralized learning practices. The article also takes a look at the state of today's classrooms and the limitations of traditional notions of education. There is also a discussion of the use of technology in the homeschool environment and how this relates to the issue of socialization. 29

Religious learning is a sensitive issue hence most traditional schools shunned it. However, with homeschooling, parents can take control over the moral and religious learning of the child. Parents can impart their ideologies and deep beliefs into the child rather than let the school dictate what moral and religious education the child will be receiving. 7

Homeschooling is the best way to educate a child as you can see from the advantages listed below. If you have the time, the interest and the ability, why not give it a try? 7

B) MOVING AT THE CHILD'S OWN PACE: If the homeschooled child has completed the project or page or chapter assigned, then she can move on to another topic. She does not have to wait until the bell rings before digging into something else. Or, if the child is excited about the topic and really getting into it, she doesn't have to "change her mind" when the bell rings. 3

C) WORKING WITH THE CHILD'S LEARNING STYLE: Each child has a certain "learning style," a particular way they process in-coming information best. Intuitively, parents seem to know what will get the point across, and what won't. And with a day of training, a parent can find keys to unlock more doors to the child's learning style. This is quite different from what happens in the traditional classroom where the child must conform to the teacher's "teaching style." Students of average ability who are allowed to in-put and process information according to their natural learning style can become great learners. The traditional classroom is teacher-driven, whereas the homeschool can be student-driven, and the child allowed to master areas in the best way at the best time for the best results. 3

In America when the average child is in the traditional school setting by the age of 5 or 6, they begin spending more waking hours of the day with the peers than with their parents. Yes, more awake time with their peers than with their parents. Now consider this simple statement -- children become adults. No dispute with that, is there ? 3

Younger students have the advantage of learning from older homeschoolers who they encounter through support groups, field trips, homeschool ?classes? And one of the advantages for older students is that they develop a sense of responsibility and concern as role models for younger students. 18

Homeschoolers also have the distinct advantage of working with people of all ages, income levels, and professions. Parents need only tap into the endless opportunities to help their child develop their character, their social skills, and their ability to handle life. 18

In the home school, the teacher works directly with each student, progressing when the child is ready. Many students learn more in 2-5 hours daily than do other students who are gone from home 8-10 hours and then come home to several hours of homework! 15

However, parents can still feel free to fit in special learning opportunities that fixed classroom hours may not allow. Students can take special field trips, attend interesting events, or visit with informative people. Families can plan vacations during the off- season while other kids must be at classes. 15

All the positive socialization they learned came from home schooling. Public school couldn't (and wouldn't) do anything for them. Private school charged outrageous fees. Charter schools still wouldn't have been challenging enough. Appropriate social skills were not implemented at any of those choices. While public school can work for some, it just doesn't cut it for others. The same can be said for any schooling method. It's all about the individual situation and what's needed. 11

Homeschooling Online

The choices are there either you can homeschool your child or send them to either a public or private school. Now there is another alternative. Available is the option of online homeschooling. This will give you the option to home school and have appropriate educational materials at your fingertips for your young student. This choice gives the concerned parent another way to have a choice about their child's education. 19

If you have an Internet connection, homeschooling online is a great method of ensuring your child is getting a quality education. Especially an education related to world events and skills. There are various ways in which you can homeschool online. You can find traditional high school programs that offer courses over the Internet. 3

Many parents would rather keep their children home, and homeschool them. This way the kids are spared ridicule, and bullying that takes place in the public school educational system. These parents also can't afford to send their kids to a private school, so the option of home school is a viable option to their child's education needs. So, armed with the decision to homeschool the parents look for the best educational materials needed to provide an adequate education. Available now is the ability to conduct online homeschooling. This takes away some of the pressure about finding the appropriate material needed to homeschool kids. Available is the option of online homeschooling. This will give you the option to home school and have appropriate educational materials at your fingertips for your young student. 19

The underlying principle that guides homeschooling online is this: any child has the innate capacity to grow, develop and achieve its full potential. All it needs is the right environment and all the right answers to help achieve this potential. All you can do is be there to provide all the answers and support- even if that comes from outside sources. This will provide a far greater benefit for your teenager, rather than just turning them over to the public school system. 7

To choose online homeschooling is a choice in the future of your child's education. View these websites carefully. Many follow a rigorous curriculum, and many offer alternatives and advanced courses. For those of you that are choosing to homeschool for religious beliefs the many online courses offer religious training as well, or have a background in religion. Homeschooling online is a great way to provide a well rounded education with appropriate materials. 19

Louv's article also describes the weekly FLExOnline, sponsored by the Family Learning Exchange, and the American Homeschool Association's Online Newsletter, which contains news from homeschooling families, national media reporters, homeschool publishers, support group leaders, researchers, school personnel who work with homeschoolers, public librarians, and many others involved with home education. The AHA also offers an information-packed website, many downloadable files of interest to homeschoolers (including information files for all 50 states), and special interest email lists for support groups and public libraries. 27

Homeschooling is a great choice that many parents decide to implement. Homeschooling online can be a beneficial way of making learning more interesting and fun. You can also get a lot of help from other through the web. 3

Homeschooling and the Law - First, let's get one thing straight. Homeschooling is completely legal. Many parents have concerns regarding homeschooling their children and any legal restriction that may arise. Find the answers to these concerns in this article. 21

If you homeschool your children, it is very likely that you haven't been able to get very much support from your local school district. You can find many resources by homeschooling online. 15

Parents are finding that homeschooling is becoming a more popular choice day after day. Every year there is a growth of about 7 - 15% of parents who decide to teach their children at home. 20

The key to keeping children involved and wanting to learn is variety. It's only natural after so long that your child will experience burnout. Homeschooling online is an affordable and easy way to avoid or eliminate burnout. 8

You can also find education games online, which can help shake things up a bit. You could also use online games as a reward when your child has worked hard all week. 2

Homeschooling is a smart choice that many parents are doing right now. Homeschooling online gives you tools that can make learning even more exciting and fun. You also have access to support groups when you're connected to the web. 25

An Insight On When To Home School Your Children - Home schooling gives parents a chance to play a hands-on part in the child's education without stressing themselves. Home schooling works towards benefiting the child as per his or her individual needs. 21

Many parents choose homeschool high school for their children, which is usually a wise decision. Although many people tend to assume homeschooling is better suited for young children, this is not usually the case. 20

You can also form a group with other parents involved in homeschooling and come up with interesting activities for your teens. Once you start with the lessons maintain a journal to track daily records of your teens. This will help you to check their progress. Home schooling is a widely accepted concept. It has changed the way a teen can learn. It is one of the best forms of education you can give your child, as it will help him or her stand out from the rest of the crowd. 21

Note: This is copied from Shalene's site as this is a very important issue. Please pass this on and/or put on your blog. Thank you.Whether you are a proponent of homeschooling or not, you should be aware of something that has happened here in California recently, related to homeschooling. The reason you should be aware of it, and be worried about it, is that it's a fact that California sets the precedent for many other states with regard to laws and such. If a law is passed here, it is often copied in other states. Here's the breakdown:Recently, a homeschooling family went to court, and was told that they could not homeschool their child, because it was harmful to the child's welfare for them to do so. 15

Mike serves as staff attorney for member affairs in the states of Maine, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Ohio, Utah, Vermont, Wyoming, the District of Columbia, and manages HSLDA?s involvement on behalf of persecuted homeschoolers in the Federal Republic of Germany. Mike received his Juris Doctorate from the Boston University School of Law with honors graduating at the top of his class. He is a member of the New Hampshire and Massachusetts State Bars. Before his legal career, Mike served in the United States Army including combat service as a cavalry officer in the first Persian Gulf War. 15

Whether you are a proponent of homeschooling or not, you should be aware of something that has happened here in California recently, related to homeschooling. The reason you should be aware of it, and be worried about it, is that it's a fact that California sets the precedent for many other states with regard to laws and such. If a law is passed here, it is often copied in other states. Here's the breakdown:Recently, a homeschooling family went to court, and was told that they could not homeschool their child, because it was harmful to the child's welfare for them to do so. The three judges who heard this case then decided to apply their decision to all families that homeschool! The decision requires that all families that homeschool must have a parent that is credentialed to do so! 15

When To Start Homeschooling

More than one million children are being home schooled in the Unites States today and more and more parents are choosing this road every day. But do you know how to start home schooling? 14

Your permission to teach your children comes from God, and your ability outweighs what a public education could give your child. Once you are committed to start homeschooling, you will be able to provide the best education for your children. 11

If you believe home schooling is the right choice for your family, but you are intimidated by the amount of work, the change in lifestyle, and the question about your own qualifications, you are not alone. Even veteran home schooling families question how they are doing and how their children will turn out. The main qualification is a desire to teach your children at home; the rest are just details. Following are a few tips to help you as you begin your home schooling adventure. 9

When you start homeschooling you will be concerned about money. Homeschooling can be free or low costing. If you can afford to purchase some curriculum items, do so prayerfully and with caution. 11

Find a support group. Home schooling has become so popular that home school groups have popped up in nearly every area of the country. Even if you live in a very rural or unpopulated area, chances are there are home schooling families not far from you. Ask around at local libraries, churches, and even at the local public school district. A support group is important for beginners: the other moms and dads will encourage you, and your children will meet new playmates. Support groups will also answer your questions, help you understand the changes in lifestyle that you may face, and they will assure you that you are not alone. 9

Isabel Shaw is a freelance writer and homeschooling mom of 15 years. She and her husband Ray homeschool their two daughters, Jessica and Amanda. 5

Before purchasing a traditional, expensive curriculum, study up on what's out there. Attend a home school conference, go to the seminars and talk to the curriculum vendors. There is a whole plethora of materials out there with something for every type of child and every type of parent. Beginners should just start with the basic requirements for their state, such as math, language arts, history, science, and physical education. The time will come later for branching out into foreign languages and upper level artwork. And it is important to remember that if you buy a curriculum with which you are not happy, be open to changing in mid-stream. 9

If you start homeschooling your children at the age when they would normally go to public school, you can ease them into a routine. You can teach one subject at a time until you have seen some success. Then you can move on to reading, handwriting, and creative writing. Basic math will eventually come into the picture. 11

Never doubt your qualifications. Whether you are the proud owner of a doctorate degree in education or if you never finished high school yourself, you are qualified to teach your child. Some states require certain certifications or educational levels, but know that the only real qualification for home schooling is a love for your child, the desire to educate him, and the ability to obtain good curriculum materials. Most parents will find that even if they have earned a higher degree, they learn right along with their children. 9

If homeschooling is started when children normally start school (5-7), there can be an easing into routines. One subject can be taught at a time, staying with that subject until some measure of achievement is reached. Start with phonics, then, none at a time, go on to reading, handwriting, creative writing and finally basic math. This simple technique keeps the pressure off, which in turn keeps a love for learning alive. Moreover, there is only a minimum time requirement. If your child is older and you are taking him or her out of institutional schooling, there might be more time required at first. In order to find the time for homeschooling, you may have to make a decision to eliminate unnecessary activities, wasted time. 10

All school subjects will be built upon the mastery of reading. Today many parents with children in public or private schools find themselves having to re-teach reading. This shouldn't be, as the school has the child many hours per day to teach this basic of basics. In the schools and in the home, the exclusive use of phonics will result in children who can read well. 10

The absolute best thing you can do is to model how important education is! Set a good example by admitting if you don't know something & then finding the answer! You will ultimately find yourself learning right along with your kids! 1

No matter what curriculum or path you follow, be prepared to ditch something if it doesn't seem to be working. That is one of the beauties of homeschooling! You will be doing a lot of tweaking of this nature the first year or two, especially if you have taken them out of a public or private school. You will also find yourself tweaking as your children get older & their learning styles & needs change. Your best bet that first year or two is to buy things used whenever possible so that you won't be quite so hesitant to drop it if it isn't working. You may also want to keep in mind that anything you are no longer using, some other homeschooler may be looking for! 1

Set up a schedule. Sit down and carefully draw up a schedule (timetable) for your first home school year. This needs to be a detailed schedule starting with a broad overview and then breaking this down into a day-by-day plan. 14

Classical Homeschooling

There is no doubt that homeschooling is a rigorous undertaking, so why do parents do it? The reasons are many and varied, the most important probably being that God has ordained parents to be the primary teachers of their children. Education is the parents’ responsibility.* Other reasons are tied to that one--the idea that the family is a whole, rather than a group of individuals that just happen to reside at the same address; the idea that learning is integrated with life rather than separated from it. These fundamental beliefs keep a family homeschooling even when there are good schools in the area. Other reasons, such as academic excellence, continuity in communication of values, or financial constraints are real and important. 2

Students who are homeschooled also have the advantage of learning in a comfortable and safe environment. It isn't necessary for a child to learn how to become accustomed to different classrooms. Learning to adapt to a new surrounding can be distracting. Parents and children who choose to homeschool also have the chance to create deeper relationships. Parents can also have a greater impact on their child's education. 9

There are several homeschooling methods. Classical homeschooling methods follow a traditional education model. Classical homeschooling is made up of primary, secondary, and tertiary phases, kind of like elementary, junior high, and high school. 9

There is a big difference, however, between an institutional form of this education and homeschooling. Classical homeschooling in its true form focuses on the mental development of a child, not just age. A child will not move onto the next developmental phase until they are ready. 9

Classical homeschooling methods go all the way back to the middle ages. This method has been tested and tried, and found to be very effective. Younger children focus on learning the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Once your child has mastered the concepts of this phase, they move on to the next, which consists mainly of grammar. This phase focuses on composition. 9

The last phase in Classical homeschooling education is the dialect stage. In this stage children seriously study reading and writing and arithmetic. They also focus on rhetoric and public speaking in this phase. 9

Classical homeschooling allows a child to move at his/her own pace. It is nice to know that a child has to master a concept before moving on. They aren't just passed automatically from grade to grade. 9

News is the quarterly newsletter of the Family Unschoolers Network. There is a free issue on-line, articles from back issues, and web links to resources mentioned in back issues. 4

This group is open to all homeschoolers who are interested in learning more about classical education methods. Therefore, although religion may be mentioned, it is not to become a point of contention. 3

This group is open to all homeschooling families who are interested in learning more about classical education methods. This list is here to discuss how to implement TWTM into everyday life and all that goes along with it. 3

In The Socialization Trap, Rick Boyer says, "Peer socialization breaks down family relationships . . . [it] separates kids from both their siblings and their parents through time commitments, interests and emotional bonding." Oh, sure, the child still loves Mommy and Daddy. But the heart, the affection, the attention, the very life of the child becomes bound up with his peers. Parents lose the hearts of their children. 6

Maria Montessori the founder of the Montessori movement believed as unschoolers that children are natural learners and don�t need to be forced to learn. However, she believed that they learned best in an ordered environment that offered them the tools and resources to make the most of the drive to learn. She also believed that learning was a process that followed a particular pattern with all children. At certain ages children have sensitive learning issues that must be addressed in their environment. When a child reaches the age with a particular sensitive learning issue his environment needs to include the tools that will allow him to work on that learning issue. Montessori learning is thus highly structured but not individually forced. 7

Classical homeschooling curriculum options at this stage of the Trivium will naturally focus on giving your child chances to ask questions, understand why, and analyze situations and problems. They may also introduce logic during this time to help students understand how to think and reason. 10

What is the trivium philosophy? A guideline of classical education, called the trivium, can be used to design a classical homeschool curriculum. The trivium breaks the twelve years of education into three stages: grammar, logic or dialectic, and rhetoric. The three stages coincide with a child's cognitive development as he or she matures. During each stage, the curriculum gives the child tools for learning while teaching to the child's natural strengths. 12

But this is a doable thing. The articles on this website are here for that purpose: introducing the subjects to provide a sign-post for further research; outlining the subjects to help parents determine their strengths and weaknesses, for the purpose of knowing where to supplement. The greatest teachers in the world, in the form of the Bible and the other great books, are available in any bookstore for any parent to read. Parents can purchase texts and teach themselves. They can take continuing education classes through the local university or take internet tutorials themselves as an adult student. Parents can pool their resources with other parents while still remaining at the center of life and learning for their children, through co-ops, enrichment classes, and so on. 2

One of the greatest reasons why parents choose to homeschool is due to the fact that the values that your child learns are directly learned from you. It is also important to teach your child academically. 8

One of the great things about homeschooling is how flexible it is. If you want to supplement a Classical approach with another method, there's nothing stopping you. For example, you could build study units around a theme. You have the freedom to do this when you teach your child at home. 21

Discipline and a challenging curriculum are definitely part of the classical education method. However, this doesn't mean that education has to be boring. 8

Within you will find links to everything from child disabilities to homeschooling. Found within is Unschoolers Unlimited which is a support network for parents who prefer to let their children learn their own way, at their own pace. Besides finding good resources and suggested readings, you can learn more about Unschooling itself. The site also contains a nice variety of articles covering such topics as "uncurriculum" and "ungraduation." 13

Around age 9 or 10, the child's brain matures enough to wonder about cause and effect. When that happens its time to change stages and begin teaching how all those facts you covered in the first stage fit together, and to deepen the child's understanding of those facts and the circumstances surrounding them. At this age a child wants to argue all the time. The trivium encourages you to teach them how to argue with lessons on Logic and critical thinking skills. Then at least they will be able to argue well, and to spot bad arguements offered by other people. Also, since a child is learning how to think through cause and effect, they are encouraged to study more independently and to learn how to manage their own time. 20

Successful Home Schooling

Successful Home Schooling

By Ted Rossio
Published on 11/28/2005
The decision to home school your child can be a difficult one to make. Many parents wonder if it is the right thing to do. Many wonder if their children can get the same "grade" of education if they are homeschooled.

Successful Home Schooling

There are many reasons why parents choose to homeschool their kids. For many it is because they want to add religious content to their children's learning experience.

Making the decision to home school is usually a very difficult not and it is not one to be taken lightly. It is a personal decision that no one can make for you, but maybe I can help in the thought process by providing you with a comprehensive guide to making the choice to homeschool your kids a successful one.

When making the homeschool decision, you must first consider these things:

1. Time commitment that is involved. Homeschooling has a tendency to take up a lot of time in your day. It involves more than just sitting down with books for a couple of hours. There are experiments and projects that have to be done, lessons to prepare, papers to grade, field trips, park days, music lessons, and the list just keeps on going. You can go online and search for some sample schedules that will help to give you an idea of a typical day.

2. Personal sacrifice. The homeschooling parent has very little personal time or time alone and away from their children. If a lot of care is not taken to set aside time for yourself, it is easy for the parent to feel overwhelmed. Basically, the parent and child are together 24 hours a day and this can get frustrating on both sides.

3. Financial problems can arise. Homeschooling can be accomplished with very little cost to you; however, it usually requires that the teaching parent will not be working out of the home. Some sacrifices will need to be made if the family is used to two incomes. Of course, if you are a single parent, this could pose an even bigger problem.

4. Time for socialization. More attention will need to be given to getting your children together with his/her peers. The best part of homeschooling is being able to have more control of the social contacts your child makes. However, the downside is that you must prepare your child yourself on how to socialize with other kids. Homeschooling has a tendency to make your child feel isolated.

5. Household organization is harder. Housework and laundry and other house work will still have to be done, but it probably won't get done first thing in the morning. If you are a neat freak, you might be in for a big surprise. Not only does housework need to be let go at times, but homeschooling creates messes and clutter on its own. You will have to get organized so that you can keep your home together.

6. Both parents must agree to it. It is important that both parents agree to homeschooling. It is very difficult for this to work if one of the parents is against it. If your spouse is against it at this time, try doing more research and talking to more people so that you can be absolutely certain it is something that both of you can agree upon. Otherwise, the chances for success are much lower.

7. Your child has to be willing. A willing student is crucial to the success of homeschooling. Ultimately, the decision is the parents to make, but if your child is dead against it, you might have a very difficult time in teaching them. The fact of the matter is that an unwilling child can sabotage his or her own school efforts.

8. Know that it works one year at a time. It isn't a lifetime commitment and doesn't have to become one. If you find that homeschooling just isn't worth it, you can choose to go the regular route.

There is a lot more to homeschooling than deciding to just do it. As a parent, you must know that your child's education is the most important factor in his or her future. You need to be thoroughly prepared for all of the time and commitment that is involved.

Christian Vs Non Christian Homeschooling

Contrary to popular schooling, Christian homeschooling offers education along with the teachings of the Bible that helps inculcate Christian values in the learners. As a Christian parent, Christian homeschooling is an idea worth considering for your child. In this increasingly commercialized world, Christian homeschooling helps you to maintain your religious identity. 1

If you are a Christian, do not have second thoughts about opting for the Christian home schooling, as it offers the benefit of home schooling your children and at the same time provides a host of support groups in your area. These groups offer consultation resources, books, materials, distance education programs and testing services. Other than all the services, homeschooling offers referrals and helpful information. 2

Christian homeschooling has come as a welcome relief for the parents who have always wanted their children to be firmly grounded in religious beliefs rather have been ill at ease with their utter disregard and disinterest being completely swayed by the hip-hop culture. Such parents can now be at peace considering the fact that the study of Bible will sow the seeds of religious inclination. This, the parents believe, will broaden the vision and thoughts of the children and then their personality will reflect knowledge, wisdom and a greater sense of understanding. 1

Again, all unbelieving states, secular teachers and unbelieving scholars are lost; and have not the least desire of being saved, unless in their sins, and on their own plan, and by their own righteousness. Finally, so far as love of sin and hatred of God, and all righteousness is concerned; all unbelieving children can harmoniously cooperate with Satan, the god of this world, unbelieving states and carnal secular teachers, in opposing Christ and Christianity. "The wicked are estranged from the womb, they go astray as soon as they are born�speaking lies." Ps. 7

Most interested parties assume that the homeschooling community is pretty much divided into two camps: conservative Christian and non-Christian, with no love lost between them. Well, that isn't really accurate. In fact, it's far from accurate, but it's a common notion and the one by which most people operate. Christian homeschoolers and the rest of the homeschooling community are not really contradictory to each other. Also, as the homeschooling community becomes more and more mainstream, it is also becoming more diverse. More and different groups of homeschoolers are trying to find a place to fit into the community - and they are finding they don't. Even old timers find the two categories restrictive. For example, many Christian homeschoolers are de facto assigned the "non-Christian" label if they choose to participate in inclusive groups instead of exclusive Christian ones. 30

It is true that Christian home schooling is greatly beneficial but it also has its own set of disadvantages. When you home school your child, you hinder your child from mixing freely with children the age of your child. It is not to be forgotten that a child can learn tolerance by being with non-Christian children. 2

Christian homeschooling provides a high level of safety. Public schools can be dangerous both physically and emotionally for children. Peer interaction often tends toward bullying. 9

For some odd reason, the general consensus seems to be that kids don't really need to start science until 3rd grade which is bull, IMO, but whatever. They state right on there that formal science education in Singapore doesn't start until 3rd grade. So once you hit that age, there are a lot more options. 18

It is true that the statistics show that most homeschooling families are made of a dad who works full-time, a mother who stays home and perhaps a few more children than the American average. This does not mean, however, that single parents and same-sex couples do not homeschool. Everyday more and more parents of all types are making the decision to keep their children home. While these non-traditional situations may present more of an issue in the matter of logistics, it can (and is!) being done successfully, and in increasing numbers. 11

It contributes to poor relations among the various groups. As those who have studied the dynamics of power and relationships understand, the one who has the power to name everyone else holds the greater power. As long as generic homeschoolers continue to nod toward the separatist Christian homeschoolers in their compulsion to differentiate themselves, the separatist Christian homeschool leaders continue to wield an illegitimate power over the rest of the homeschooling community. This leaves all other homeschoolers scrambling to look for ways to identify themselves apart from them. 30

When it comes to statistics the most recent set show that the dwindling majority of homeschooling families are caucasian. Historically the Caucasian population has been in a higher income bracket than other races, making homeschooling a more practical decision. The tides are changing, however, as more minority families decide to keep their children away from schools and as homeschooling becomes more mainstream and less expensive. There is a huge support network for parents that fall into the non-Caucasian mold. This further demonstrates how truly diverse homeschooling really is! 11

By rooting ourselves firmly in the past, by gaining a clear grasp on the history of the homeschooling movement. Homeschooling began with people whose reasons for homeschooling had nothing to do with religion working cooperatively with those whose faith led them to homeschool. After these folks had made many cultural and legal strides that benefited all homeschoolers, along came separatist Christian homeschooling, a much more recent development. There is a widely held misconception in the non-homeschooling world (and in some segments of the homeschooling world) that homeschooling and religion are part and parcel of each other. It has become problematic to many homeschoolers that people are coming into the homeschooling community thinking the separatist Christian homeschoolers invented this "new" method of educating one's children rather than understanding that it was simply a popular offshoot of the original concept. 30

Homeschooling is for every family make-up. You do not have to be Christian to homeschool, you do not have to be white, straight, married or wealthy either. What you need to be is motivated and confident! If you are making the decision to educate your children at home, you are not alone. 11

There is no such thing as neutrality. There are not neutral ‘facts’. All things have been made and purposed by God and have their meaning from him. 26

As long as generic homeschoolers keep trying to find the "least offensive" yet most accurate word to describe their organizations as defined by the Christian homeschoolers, they will continue to be stuck in this power struggle with separatist Christian homeschoolers. Saying that one's group is a "general" or "generic" homeschooling group that does not have any special focus and is broad-based in membership adequately describes the flavor of the group without attaching religion or lack thereof. 30

Every human being has been made by God for his pleasure. There are currently around 6.5 billion people alive on earth. 26

Pennsylvania for example) have worked with the state’s department of education to provide a program for homeschooled students to obtain a state-accredited diploma. This may be of interest to you. The essence of homeschooling is that it is parent-directed. It follows then that it should be parent-accredited. Colleges, universities, financial aid programs, and potential employers are quickly realizing the value of the homeschool diploma, and the accreditation is quickly becoming a non-issue. 27

You notate that homeschooling would give your son a Christian worldview. You did not even address the worldview at the public school. And public school is not the only place to find unchristian people, and even in homeschooling you will find mean christian people for your son to deal with. So the protection argument does not wash. 9

Christian Homeschool Curriculum

The Christian Home School curriculum has a classical approach. Well, if you are a Christian then you can opt for the Christian home schools. The classical approach connects effectively with most of the children. 22

You'll find this is a great place to visit if you're looking for Bible based homeschool information. Think of it as the information source for home educators. 27

Sonlight Curriculum is a complete Christian home school curriculum based on great literature with a worldwide focus. As their catalog says, Sonlight Curriculum was started to gather the very best-of-the-best homeschool materials in one place to provide a one-stop opportunity for Americans living overseas to meet all their homeschooling needs. 28

Whether you are looking for general home school curriculums or of a more specialized nature, your interest in a curriculum for home school shows that you are concerned that your students get a quality home school education. Homeschool Supercenter shares that concern with you. 8

Sonlight Curriculum is a Christian homeschooling company specializing in literature-based homeschool curriculum programs. Sonlight is based in Littleton, Colorado and serves customers in over 150 countries worldwide. 2

Never before has there been such richness of curriculum for homeschooling available to your family. The big challenge has been to insure quality as more options have become available for a curriculum for home school. 8

The reasons for quality home school curriculums are obvious to you as a parent or educator. Finding the best home school curriculum that fits the needs of your individual student is extremely important. School Books and Materials are available in several tried and true complete packages. They also can be tailored to cover a large set of needs. This will mean a curriculum for home school that takes into account the abilities of a student as well as the specific learning objectives or interests. 8

The Christian Home Schools have tailored curriculum programs for the children to conveniently study their subjects on different levels. The programs also provide the option of diagnostic testing when the parents so require and also offer many other kinds of services to boost easy learning. The Christian Home School curriculum is formulated in such a way so as to help the serious Christian families. 22

High quality homeschool books are the most essential item among your home school supplies . With Homeschool Supercenter, you can choose from textbooks from a number of publishers and excellent instructors and writers. Check it out online now. 8

Planners for using a variety of Christian homeschool materials. From a homeschool family. 11

A growing area of curriculum suggestions, as well as ideas on how to homeschool inexpensively. Realistic, affordable ideas, as well as reality checks! 6

Christian book review by author Linda Wakefield Kelley. Linda reviews parenting books, family quote books, and parenting books--gives her recommendations & buying guide. 13

You may enjoy Sonlight's Newcomer™ programs: each package includes all you need to give one child (preschool—6th grade) a complete and richly engaging school year. All in one box—and ready to use when it arrives. If you have children in 7th grade or above, or you'd like to teach two or more children with one program (or you simply want to "customize" your experience), you have nearly limitless options with Sonlight. Should you ever want guidance, advice, or encouragement feel free to reach out to an expert Sonlight Advisor by phone, email, or on the web. 1

Price: $500-$800, depending on what type of Curriculum Package you buy (if it includes Math and Science or other Electives), what level you are teaching, and if you have used this �Core� before. Since most of the materials are non-consumable, if you have other children who will be home schooled, you can re-use the materials and thus save money. 28

Ease of Use: If you find their Instructor's Guides helpful, Sonlight Curriculum can be a very easy, complete home school curriculum to use since it has the main subjects arranged day by day. You can also order all the books and other supplies you need in one-stop shopping. Click here for online shopping made easy with Sonlight's online catalog. 28

Providers of a full, eclectic, K-12 curriculum for home educators. Modular, individual courses now available! 11

Descr: Home schooling is growing in popularity and homeschoolers need good curriculum. Home Learning Center is a retail store of many of the most popular homeschool curriculums. 16

Descr: Christian home-schooling curriculum, K-12. Also catalog of items for family enjoyment, all ages: books, hobbies, arts and crafts, games, computer software, science kits. 16

Free home school curriculum and best curriculum reviews from experienced homeschooler and author, Linda Wakefield Kelley. Plus home school bible curriculum and more! 13

Why Christian Homeschooling

Your child has come home for the third day in a row with a black eye. Or your child is lagging behind the other kids in class because the teacher doesn't have time to give him or her special attention. Or your child is learning a lesson at school that you don't agree with and you wish you could tailor the lesson plan so that he or she only learns what you want him or her to. There are many ways you can find out how to home school your child. You can read books, you can research on the internet, or you can talk to other parents who also home school their children. 11

The concept of Christian home schooling has started creating ripples thanks to the overwhelming response of the parents who want their children to pick up knowledge and religious wisdom simultaneously. A Christianity based home education program helps parents to give their ward a comprehensive Christian education. The child from the early part of his life understands the essence of the Bible and its teachings. The best part is that the child learns in homely ambiance and has the parents for his guides and mentors. 7

Many parents are compelled to homeschool for religious reasons. Christian homeschooling has become very popular, since parents like the idea of both influencing what their children learn and imparting strong Christian values. 22

The images adorning the Classical Christian Homeschooling webpages can be viewed more fully by clicking on the image. Credit and links to the images’ home can be found in the description of the images. No images have been used from image archives, such as the Perseus Project, which expressly forbid such use. Although copyrights do not exist for works of art made before 1922, copyrights on photographs of such works do exist. Otherwise, all images are displayed here with permission or non-commerical fair use. 2

Wise, a former teacher and current home education consultant, explains that she decided to home-school her three children because the local public school "was a terrible environment socially" and ranked academically as one of the lowest in the state, and the private school she and her husband had chosen seemed unable to stimulate and challenge her children. Bauer, her older daughter and now an instructor at the College of William & Mary, adds the student's perspective. Together, they provide detailed information on a home-school curriculum for a type of classical education called the "trivium." Within each of the three stages of learning (grammar, logic, and rhetoric) are suggestions for lessons, how-to tips, and lists of resources. A common criticism of home schooling, that children have inadequate opportunity for social and emotional development, is also addressed here. 25

All this has now become well known. It is widely acknowledged that homeschool students have the best academic education of all. Private tutoring with love pays off. But life is far more than just book learning. What else does Christian homeschooling do for a young person? 14

With the majority of Christian children being schooled in humanistic thought in the public schools, it is no surprise that most of them are not choosing to live for Christ. Those who cannot homeschool should do all they can to get their children in a Christian school. 10

Homeschooling parents in Germany have been imprisoned for teaching their children in a Christian lifestyle. The Home School Legal Defense Association estimates there are 40 other ongoing cases in Germany against homeschoolers. 20

Those who homeschool for wrong motives are quick to drop out when circumstances change. What could be classed as a wrong reason for a Christian to homeschool? A poor reason to be homeschooling is just because everyone else in your circle is doing it. Perhaps it looks more �spiritual� to be homeschooling in your particular fellowship, while in another group it would be considered odd or fanatical, and you wouldn�t be caught doing it! If, then, you are only homeschooling because your peers are, you will easily fall aside when it seems too tough, or when your friends quit. If you are homeschooling primarily for academic excellence, you may be tempted, by the pride of life, to place your children into mainstream education later where they can have competitors to outshine. 24

With Christian homeschooling, these terrible trends do not exist. Millions of dollars are spent on the Just Say No To Drugs campaign in the public schools. The Christian homeschool families have said no to the culture which feeds drug use. They have said no to the culture which encourages promiscuous sex. They have said no to the culture of violence, gangs and bullying. They have replaced that anti-Christian culture with an education based on Christ. Illegal drug use, teen pregnancies and bullying and violence are not prevailing problems in Christian home schools. That saves these young people from terrible problems which would affect their whole lives. 14

Statistics show that homeschooled children score higher on the SAT and ACT exams than traditionally schooled children, and by the 8th grade are doing work four grades above their level. Now more than two million parentsare currently homeschool their children and the countless others are considering this educational option.Theauthorspresent a comprehensive, nondenominational guide that can help anyone create a customized education to suit the strengths and weaknesses of their child. This book covers everything from getting started to legal requirements to single and working parent concerns and is an essential resource for anyone interested in homeschooling. 25

Classical Christian Homeschooling is a very in-depth & thorough page. A must see for anyone who is interested in this topic. It even has info on an e-mail loop! 4

Homeschooling Kids With Disabilities offers information and support to people who have chosen to homeschool their children with special educational needs. You can find several resources for kids who suffer from all kinds of disabilities, such as Down Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome, autism, hearing impairment, learning disabilities and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome among others. The resources include articles, legal assistance, medical information, online libraries and links to other sites on the web. 29

These Christian families fail to realize that God has given them the Dominion Mandate. Failing to recognize God's call to the family leads to the lack of understanding of the value of the family. This results in the lack of vision for the future, especially in raising children. In this context, they regard education as simply a means for their children to get jobs and become part of the secular world. 21

The Homeschool Legal Defense Association is an excellent site for legal issues. It's very complete and organized and it also contains information about homeschooling in other countries. 29

They then face two alternatives: homeschooling and church schooling. Many Christian parents find the option of church schooling more attractive. The idea of church schooling fits the Japanese group-oriented mindset. By allowing parents to delegate their responsibilities to workers and teachers, the church schools blur the parental commitment to education. Church schools sometimes even go towards the direction of second-class public schools or "public schools located at local churches." These church schools are still modeled after public schools due to the humanistic and secular epistemology, teleology, and expectations from parents. Those parents who delegate parental responsibilities to the church schools expect the schools to become alternative public schools). 21

Christian Homeschooling is not a method. In most cases the Classical Homeschooling method is used and is enriched with content suitable to the various faiths, denominations and others that count themselves fitting this category. 25

Relieve the stress and enter the blessings of Christian homeschooling and family life. Sharon Grimes, a popular seminar speaker will show you how! 19

You notate that homeschooling would give your son a Christian worldview. You did not even address the worldview at the public school. And public school is not the only place to find unchristian people, and even in homeschooling you will find mean christian people for your son to deal with. So the protection argument does not wash. 9

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Why Home school?

Home schooling - Why Home-school?

The answers to the question posed by the title are as diverse as those who choose to home school. Parents opt for home schooling for various reasons ranging from a desire to instill certain values to the wish to remove students from an unsafe public school environment to the desire to provide a superior education. However, the most basic, general reason for most is the well-founded belief that homeschooling is ultimately better for their child. This experience allows students to get the one-on-one attention that allows students to have the type of education that caters to their needs.

'Better' can mean a variety of things, but it incorporates as many absences as it does positives. The absence of peer pressure or bullying are two prominent features of public school that many homeschooling parents want to remove from their child's life. However, the positive aspect is equally important. The view that a better education can be gained by homeschooling over public or even standard private schools has been well studied.

Furthermore, the studies largely agree: home schooling is educationally superior in the overwhelming majority of cases.

There are many individual stories that illustrate the success of home schooling. The winner of the 1997 National Spelling Bee was home-schooled. Four sisters, all home schooled, went on to achieve Master's degrees from an Ivy League university. One young woman was home-schooled and entered college, getting her Master's degree by age 16. She later taught at a Texas community college by the age of 18.

These achievements could be dismissed with a wave of the hand, claiming these students, and/or their parents, were unusual. The current numbers suggest that the average home schooled child is in the 60th-70th percentile by age 12. That means they are, on average, a grade ahead of their public school peers.

The numbers for older children are even more impressive. Based upon studies reported by home-school advocates, and the U.S. Dept of Education, by the time the average home schooled child reaches the equivalent of 8th grade, he or she is four grades ahead of his or her peers; this is a reflection of the how public schools continue to miss the mark.

Home schooling works.

Of course, as most homeschooling parents know, nothing good comes easy. Parents often experience burnout, especially a few months after first beginning to home school. As with any new task, it takes time to acquire the knowledge needed to teach a young person all they need to know to develop properly. Poor performance is the easiest path to take; however, rise to the occasion takes effort from both student and parent. First and foremost, the parent must step up to the plate during this process.

Children, according to a well-established home-school philosophy, are natural sponges for knowledge. Most home schooling parents feel the need to research curriculum options; define goals, guide children, and a host of other tasks. If the parent has not been home-schooled or well educated they may have some catching up of their own to do.

Are the results worth the effort? If the outcome desired is a well-adjusted, keen-minded offspring ready for life's challenges, for most parents that is an easy question to answer.

The Homeschooling Philosophy

Homeschooling - The Homeschooling Philosophy

Parents for an assortment of reasons choose to homeschool their children. Some have religious goals, others object to particular topics taught or methods used in public or private schools. Many parents simply believe they can provide a superior education for their children themselves. Nevertheless, one thing all these parents appear to agree about is the belief that the public school system does a relatively poor job of educating children.

Homeschooling is actually not a radically new idea that calls for striking out on one's own to reshape education. Before compulsory education laws were established in the mid-19th century, virtually all children were educated at home, if they received any formal instruction at all.

Throughout the 20th century, public education, with a small percentage provided by private institutions, became the overwhelming norm. The adoption of the authoritarian Prussian model of the 1800s (still followed fundamentally today) was the major reason.

In the mid-1960s, challenges to those educational trends came from several directions. From different sources, including a response to several well-known books by authors such as John Holt, farmed the decision used by many parents to withdraw from the public education system.

Some were early libertarians, anxious to be free of the State as much as they could. Others harkened back to an older tradition of Classical Liberal training, both from offshoots of the Roman Catholic Church (such as the Jesuits) and the Greek-origin Enlightenment ideals.

Whatever the roots of the philosophy, a common set of ideas evolved that became dominant in homeschooling. One central idea is that an individual is a naturally active learner. The idea goes back at least to Aristotle who begins his famous book Metaphysics with the words: 'All men possess by nature the desire to know.' A view shared and echoed in many places and forms throughout the homeschooling movement.

In essence, given the proper environment and resources learning does not have to be enforced. Rather, a child eager to explore the world around him or her actively and eagerly will embrace learning. Different schools of thought within homeschooling diverge on what should take place next.

Those who embrace 'unschooling' believe that no curriculum or direction needs to be given by parent or tutor. Simply provide the child with books, natural phenomenon, or other sources and he or she will learn whatever strikes their natural interest.

Others look to a more formal structure, even going so far as to teach exactly the same topics with the same materials as are taught in public and private schools. In this case, the parent is simply substituting for the state educator and the home replaces the school.

Montessori takes a somewhat middle ground, allowing children to develop at their own pace while providing materials and guidance. Exercises in sensory and motor development, followed by language learning form part of the program. The teacher pays attention to the child, rather than the reverse, allowing imagination to stimulate learning. The emphasis is on self-correction, rather than external corrections.

Across this broad spectrum of approaches and motivations, there is a consistent line of thought. The child is the focal point of the experience and his or her proper development is the goal. That goal, homeschoolers argue, is best achieved outside the public school system that has not and cannot supply the same level of quality in instruction of most parents.

Homeschooling and The Single Parent

Homeschooling - Homeschooling and The Single Parent

Homeschooling as a single parent is one of the most daunting challenges is faced by those who wish to homeschool a child. For most in that situation, the need to earn enough income to support both parent and child is paramount. That can leave little time to devote to education. Private school is often economically out of reach for single parents, even when a good one can be found.

Nevertheless, thousands of determined single parents of either sex find a way every year to homeschool a child. The results are invariably worth it. Homeschooled children generally surpass their peers on standardized tests and rank high on college admissions lists.

The first issue is time management. Organized parents find they have more time for homeschooling than they expect. That is especially true when you calculate the actual instruction hours provided in public schools. In a six-hour public school day, there are lunch breaks, breaks between classes and a great deal of sitting doing nothing useful. Making every hour count can easily compensate.

That time difference can be made even smaller or even tip in your favor, if you count weekends, holidays and summer. However, children need free time to relax and pursue their own interests, when learning is enjoyable life and learning merge. Adding up holidays, weekends and summer as well as time in the evening it is possible to come out with even more time for education in a homeschooling situation.

Many homeschooling approaches are fairly unstructured or child-driven. That means that it is not always the case that a parent is continually monitoring the child's activities, as is the case in public school.

Children maybe left entirely free to pursue any subject that interests them, at their own pace, as in the unschooling approach. On the other hand, they may be provided with resources and guidance and perform a great deal of independent study. Results can be checked later in the day or on weekends and adjustments made, if needed.

Tutoring in various forms is another option for many single parents who want to homeschool. Tutors range from in-home teachers to a totally automated, online resource. Costs vary enormously, but many tutors cost much less than day care. In some instances, day care can be combined with tutoring services, too.

Many single parents choose to start a home-based business. When you add up the cost of day care, extra gasoline for the car and the time required to commute, a home-based business will often look more economically feasible. That doesn't even include the possible tax savings from extra write-offs. Avoid businesses that require a large up-front investment, to give you the maximum time and freedom.

The Internet has made this option more feasible than ever before. Many affiliate marketers, for example, make upwards of $50,000 or more per year. They build websites or write newsletters, requiring little technical skill, and advertise products and services offered by others.

With a fair amount of research and a little creative thinking, single parents can find the time and resources to homeschool their child. Both parent and child can benefit greatly if they do. The first step just requires the courage to dare. However, that is an attribute that single parents already have in spades.

Homeschooling and the Law

Homeschooling - Homeschooling and the Law

Homeschooling is completely legal. Legal restrictions are a common concern of parents contemplating the prospect of homeschooling their children. They fear that homeschooling is illegal, or to avoid the government cracking down individuals have to jump through many hoops. Depending on where the family lives their concern are justified, but is usually larger than appropriate.

The Constitution makes no mention of education, legally individual states establish the rules, but the Dept of Education plays a large role. Basically, the laws governing education varies from state to state.

Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states, but some have fewer hurdles than others do. For example, there are a few restrictions are placed on parents who choose to homeschool their children in Idaho and Texas. Others, such as Massachusetts and New York are heavy handed. They require parents submit student achievement test scores, the student's curriculum be approved by the state, and may even perform home visits. Pennsylvania requires teaching materials used for homeschooling be submitted to the local school district for review.

Legal efforts are ongoing to monitor and defeat bills attempting to expand the power states have to enter the home or compel public school attendance. In 2006, many such efforts were defeated. Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of parents never need worry about their rights being taken away. The trend of court decisions has been strongly in their favor for decades.

As far back as 1925, the Supreme Court ruled in Pierce v. Society of Sisters the care and education of the child was the right and duty of parents, not the state. As recently as 2000, Troxel v. Granville reached the Supreme Court. Though an issue of visitation not education, the principle driving the decision has been successfully used by homeschool advocates. The Court reaffirmed the rights of parents as fundamental.

In 1983, the Home School Legal Defense Association was established to fight for the rights of parents who seek to homeschool. The HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association, http://www.hslda.org) tracks legal issues related to homeschooling and has fought many legal battles on behalf of parents. They publish a yearly roundup of legislative acts and follow any changes made by the states and Congress.

Despite the fact that both states and the Federal government strive to chip away at the right of parents to homeschool, most court cases have settled in favor of parents.

Although rare, there have been cases of zealous social workers who see it as their duty to protect children from parents. Unfortunately, they may do so even when there is no evidence of parental abuse. That possibility and social/legal issue sometimes makes its way into the homeschool arena. HSLDA and others provide resources to parents to ensure they never have to deal with that in the first place.

Parents considering homeschooling should investigate the paperwork, supervision or other legal requirements of their individual states. The first education needed in homeschooling is that of the parents.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Homeschooling and College

Homeschooling - Homeschooling and College

Although homeschool programs differ in approach, almost none attempt to incorporate or extend the type and level of education available in traditional colleges. Despite the fact that many state and even private colleges and universities educate as poorly as public schools in general, there remain many outstanding ones.

Homeschooled students tend to excel, both in content and the eagerness and ability to learn. Therefore, they will often want to enter one of those excellent schools in their mid to late teens. However, applying to college, difficult for anyone, can be especially tough for those who acquired an education in a non-traditional setting.

The absence of state, or even licensed private school, transcripts is the first hurdle for most homeschooled individuals. However, thousands, perhaps millions, of homeschooled students, have overcome that barrier. Universities, even the most (and sometimes particularly the most) prestigious accept homeschooled students. Here, too, such students frequently excel.

One common method for tackling 'the transcript problem' is to generate one as the child matures. Many homeschooled programs are structured, making it easier to keep records and assign grades similar to public schools. Many colleges take such records seriously. Another option is to join a homeschool oversight group or organization. They insure the child’s education meet the states requirements, and provide professional transcript upon request. It is best to start earlier than usual to explore which ones are possible targets for admission.

Select a half-dozen possible colleges or universities and ask the admissions department officials what they look for in terms of transcripts. More and more are becoming used to answering the question from parents of homeschooled teens. Over 2 million kids per year are now homeschooled - many of them choose to go to a traditional four-year college.

There are other forms, in some ways even more important, for admissions officials to judge fitness. Decisions for admission, at least the 'first cut' of applications, are based on standardized tests such as the SAT and the ACT. Homeschooled students are free to take these like their public or private school peers. On average, homeschooled students do much better on these tests, giving them a leg up for college admission.

After gathering these objective data, other criteria come into play. Many colleges have their own admissions tests. Even apart from administered tests, college applications very often have a section requiring students to write some sort of essay. Those sections provide students with an opportunity not only to express intelligent views of the world, but also to give admissions officers’ insight into individual tastes and ability.

Individual essays are often used to ferret out unusual personal interests, aptitude and other unique attributes that make the applicant stand out. Homeschoolers, with their non-traditional education, can easily excel in that area.

A mixture of Advanced Placement courses, many of which are taken in an independent study mode not requiring attendance in a traditional classroom, is also a good idea. Those help flesh out the 'transcript' provided to admissions officers. Some of them can be taken as part of an accelerated learning program, in which the student studies material in advance of the common age of his or her peers.

Those courses help show decision makers that the student is fully prepared. They can show that the child hasn't spent the previous ten years just sniffing flowers and smearing paint on parchment, one common and generally mistaken view of homeschooling. They can demonstrate the common fact that home schooled students are typically more than ready to tackle the demands of college.